1 / How to add a friend to his friends list:

Everyone must have a GameCenter account and have already used it with DuelTouch on their own device.

Then you have to play against him, each with his own device.

At the end of the Duel, everyone will be part of each other’s friends list and will be visible in the bulletin boards.

There are 3 ways to proceed:

A / Your friend is nearby:

Go to Duo Local or Teams Local activating bluetooth and Wifi, then choose and / or accept each other in the login interface.

B / You have his coordinates to send him an iMessage:

Go to Duo Internet then Duel with a friend then select Invite a friend then + then contact (or recent) then find your friend and send him the invitation iMessage.

He will have to respond to your invitation by touching the message and the synchronization will then begin the game.

2 / Can we listen to his music on iTunes playing?

Yes, with or without the game music.

3 / Why is Teams mode not available on iPhone (> = 6S) with “Colors by Pressure"?

Pressure measurement technology (3Dtouch) on the screen is less accurate when 4 supports are made simultaneously in 4 different locations.

So on iPhone, to play in Teams mode, you have to select “Colors by Zone" in the game settings.

However, Local Teams mode lets you play with “Colors by Pressure ».